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Unpacking organizations: the practitioner’s podcast

CEO Agenda – own the org design with Himanshu Tambe

Shradha Prakash and Rupert Morrison

Join organizational design practitioners Rupert Morrison and Shradha Prakash as they discuss the passion topics around org design, breaking down key areas and explaining some of the complexities in ‘Unpacking organizations: The practitioner’s podcast’

On this episode

Himanshu Tambe, an adjunct faculty in Indian School of Business and Singapore Business University, emphasizes how organizations of the future are shifting from traditional hierarchical models to networked fluid models. He highlights the need for the CEO to take the ownership of org design aligning it to the strategy and business objectives. Himanshu called out the importance of technology, such as the Orgvue platform, in designing organizations by evaluating different scenarios and following a robust approach since there are severe cost implications of inadequately thought-out org design changes.

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